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  • Sachel ® patch multi-factor complex

    Brand: Sachera-med
    Product Code: JA72
    Availability: In Stock
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    Sachel ® patch 's is a multi-factor complex of cotton fiber patches structured with silk fibroins and biogenic sea collagen fibrils, enriched with isotonic formula based on the signal peptide of biogialuronic acid, the micellar complex of plant concentrates and natural components, which have a regulatory effect on intra- and extracellular skin processes in the eyelid region by means of epithelistress and growth factor.

    Patches are designed taking into account the individual features of the upper cornea and lower layers of the epidermis in the eyelid region, adjacent soft tissues and blood vessels, recommended for use at any age for men and women.

    The biogenic formula of patches has a polyfunctional effect:

    - Rapid restoration of eyelid skin, elimination of defects caused by adverse exogenous and endogenous factors (insomnia, stress, climatic conditions, infections, etc.) - in a single application, when the skin needs rapid restoration of healthy species and color;
    - Restoration of metabolic processes and balance of basal, rosehips, grainy, corneal layers of skin, regulation of collagenogenesis and elastogenesis - in cases when skin needs lifting- or filler-support.

    Bioengineering isotonic formula of signal polypeptide consisting of sources of 10 amino acids and biogenic complex supports cell division, provides anti-stress protection of cells and survival under stress, has positive effect on intact and damaged skin, promotes:

    - Restoration of natural functions of damaged fibroblasts, initiation of collagen synthesis process;
    - Restoration of intracutaneous structures after damage of various nature (stress, solar, chemical, etc.);
    - Reduction of possible inflammatory processes;
    - Activation of drainage processes, removal of excess liquid, removal of effluents, swelling;
    - Filling of intercellular voids, activation of individual factors of skin moisturization;
    - Compaction of collagen and elastin skin structures;
    - Compaction of eyelids skin, elimination of wrinkles, dark circles;
    Eliminating stress-induced apoptosis underlying skin aging and wrinkle formation;
    - Levelling of skin relief;
    - Maintenance of healthy fibroblasts;
    Strengthening the tone of capillaries, preventing the formation of vascular networks;
    Normalizing the rate of keratinocyte maturation;
    - Recovery of cytoarchitectonics of epidermis, homeostasis and barrier functions.

    The main mechanism of the biogenic complex of patches is the initiation of natural processes of the mechanism of skin cell renewal and maintenance of factors of moisturization, elastogenesis, collagenogenesis.

    Patch composition: cotton fiber, silk fibroins, sea collagen fibrils.

    Composition of isotonic complex: native concentrates of dioscorea, shovel, pear, Lespedees, centellae, licorice, aloe, goji, papodium ferns, larch, oyster concentrate, Salmon, corn husks, egg oil, health oil, guarana concentrate, fucus, Lemonica, chamomile oil, angelics, pecan concentrates, pomegranate bones, Grape seeds, thistle seeds, amaranth, safflower oil, cylindrical empress concentrate, Artemia, arginine, cysteine, lysine, hyaluronic acid, proline, choline, carnitine, alanine, carnosine, coenzyme, leucine, copper tripeptide, zinc lactate.

    The method of application for course recovery: open the sachet bag, remove patches, separate the film, apply the side contacting the film (side 1) to the area of the eyelids under the eyes, flatten with easy fingers to create contact with the skin, leave for 10 minutes. Then remove the patches, wipe the skin with a dry napkin or cotton disk, apply cream if necessary.

    It is recommended to apply 1 times a day for 7 days.

    The method of application for express recovery: open the sasha bag, remove patches, separate the film, apply the side not in contact with the film (side 2) to the eyelid area under the eyes, flatten with easy fingers to create contact with the skin, leave for 7 minutes. Then remove the patches, wipe the skin with a dry napkin or cotton disc. No cream application is required.

    Clinical testing of patches during the week-long course of use among women and men aged 25 and older showed increased skin density in the eyelid area, elimination of small and deep wrinkles in 40% of participants on average, improvement of skin turgor - in 70%, elimination of vascular meshes - in 90%, elimination of dark circles and bags under the eyes - 95%.

    Daily application of patches during the week course has a booster effect on the mechanisms of elastogenesis recovery, natural anti-stress factors and anti-AGE protection.

    The biogenic formula of patches has rapid transdermal penetration, complete assimilation and instant effect in aesthetic and dermatological skin defects. Patches are recommended for express restoration of aesthetic characteristics of eyelid skin.

    Patches are a biogenic organic product, contain no preservatives, hormones, medicinal, genetically modified substances, hypoallergens, and are not addictive.

    Release form: 7 sachets, each with 2 masks.

    Quantity 7 pc.

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