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  • Altai taguur

    Product Code: U07
    Availability: In Stock
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    Altai taguur - a traditional leather vessel (flask) of Altaians. As a rule, tazhuurs were produced from two pieces of skin of a certain form, sewing them on perimeter sinews. As well as many other things this vessel was an element of ceremonial life of nomads, and also a part of etiquette norms and rules. By ancient traditions a man used such flask all the life, it accompanied him in campaigns, on hunting and in everyday life, taguur was often made by the child's birth. Masters decorated a product with a stamping and ornaments, similar to a part of others Mongol - the Turkic people in uniform composite symmetric style, images of horses, marals, bun and other animals weren't seldom applied. 

    This product is the exact copy of traditional Altai vessels. Inside there is a firm plastic basis therefore liquid can be poured without being afraid of spilling.

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