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  • The stone malachite

    Product Code: D18
    Availability: In Stock
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    The first mentions of malachite are dated still time of Ancient Egypt, this stone was a symbol of the goddess Hator, patronesses of women and a maternity. The stone malachite differs in a full component of green color from gentle brightly green to black, can have a glossy shade or opaque, is well dissolved in acid. Is an excellent ornamental stone, well gives in to processing (all of us know a malachite casket). In a litoterapiya it is considered that this mineral helps from a set of illnesses, GIT, illnesses of joints, asthma, vision, the general resilience of an organism, a depression. Malachite is a stone of people of creative professions, it always draws attention. Helps development of the relations between the man and the woman, helps lonely people to find the half. Most of all on a horoscope suits a sign balances, at people of this sign semi-precious stone will strengthen health and will help with the emotional plan.

    Size Support: diameter is 13 cm, 4,5Х6Х11 cm.

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